Indy Auto Man
Closed. Opens Monday at 9:00 AM

Browse Indy Auto Man's selection of quality pre-owned cars, trucks, and SUVs in Indianapolis

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Buy any car 100% online

Free delivery within 250 miles

We buy all cars…

We buy all cars…

and we'll match CarMax trade-in offer

Over 4,900 5-Star Google reviews

Over 4,900 5-Star Google reviews

Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority

Why choose Indy Auto Man?

There is no need to drive around Indiana, visiting numerous car lots in the Indianapolis area - browse the inventory, buy a used car online, and get it delivered (250 miles are free). The Indy Auto Man dealership serves Beech Grove, Carmel, Avon, Westfield, and the nearest uptown and offers a free 30-mile taxi ride for all surrounding Indianapolis areas. Take advantage of door-to-door shipping nationwide – we handle all the details to ship your car safely from our showroom to your home. Buy or finance a used auto on the most favorable terms.

If you want to buy a used car, SUV, work truck, or van, you will find plenty of options at the Indy Auto Man, Indianapolis. The represented car brands include but are not limited to Ford, Chevy, GMC, RAM, and Mercedes-Benz. Choose your favorite models and compare them side by side on a test drive in our multi-branded car center.

As one of the top-rated used car dealerships in Indianapolis, Indy Auto Man guarantees the safety and reliability of each vehicle, providing thorough pre-sale reconditioning and service. You can order a vehicle’s history report on our website for free. 

Trade-ins are welcome regardless of the model and make. We also accept cars financed at other Indy car dealerships, even if they are not paid off. Our qualified team guarantees overall assistance and legal support. Get your car estimation online in minutes, or visit Indy Auto Man in Indianapolis to get your dream car today.


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16 years

in the car business